Speaking Engagements

Shannan Mondor is a transformational mentor, best-selling author, public speaker, and podcast host who is passionate about guiding her clients and audiences to discover their greatness within. Because once you have faith in yourself, you’ve created a foundation to experience fulfillment in every area of your life.

Shannan shares the remarkable story of how she triumphed over a past of abuse, addictions, and mental illness by using her experiences as catalysts for change. Shannan now teaches the strategies and techniques she developed to help others release their past and find greatness within to live in confidence, strength, and freedom.

Shannan has created a collection of resources to help and guide you into your best life, including her book, How in the Hell Did I Get Here?, her podcast, Fulfillment in Faith, and her signature program, 1:1 Transformational Mentorship through Fulfillment in Faith - a six-month journey of self-discovery. Each of these resources will inspire and empower you to live your life in unlimited freedom!

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