Transformational Mentorship with Shannan Mondor

mentorship &


Do You Want Unlimited Freedom?

You are at the threshold of a brand new life-

one you’ve only imagined until now.

It’s time. Stand up.

Embark on a path of self-discovery to a life of true fulfillment in faith.

are you ready?


have you ever…

…woken up and thought to yourself, “How in the hell did I get here?”

Regardless of the decisions or paths that brought you to this moment of stillness, once you find yourself at this juncture, you have the choice to dwell in your past or transform your experiences into sources of strength.

I've walked in your shoes—following years marked by addiction, mental health struggles, and abusive relationships, I made the choice to transform. I decided to unravel my past and align my present with a brighter future.

Do you desire this transformation too? Are you prepared to embark on a journey toward a radiant future filled with everything your heart desires?

I'm here to guide you, sharing the lessons I've learned from transitioning from a state of feeling lost and desperate to waking up each day with the knowledge that lives are being changed through my story and mentorship program!

Let's take the first step together!

Your Transformatioal Roadmap


Unravel your past, clarify what has been limiting you, & identify hidden beliefs and blocks.


embrace new beliefs, build confidence, and truly live your life's purpose with faith and fulfillment.


Release traumas, memories, and false beliefs so you can heal and move forward into your greatness.

Discover Your Greatness Within Through 1:1 Mentoring
Private Transformational Mentorship

1:1 Mentorship

Shannan’s signature program, Fulfillment in Faith is a 6-month course that guides participants through uncovering limiting beliefs that have held them back, embracing and embodying their true selves, discovering their power within, and setting them on a trajectory to fulfill their deepest desires with abundance and gratitude.

  • ✓Shannan’s signature course, Fulfillment in Faith.

    ✓6-month intensive with 12 in-depth lessons.

    ✓Twice-monthly 1:1 live video mentorship sessions with Shannan.

    ✓Companion workbook that deepens participants’ transformation through thought-provoking exercises.

Discover Your Authentic Self With Mentorship Programs
Start at the beginning 

awakening to awareness

This program is the foundation for and beginning steps to building a strong future for yourself. You will learn how to love yourself, how to be strong, confident, fearless, and filled with self-esteem. You will fully believe in and embrace the truth that you are worthy and deserving of all the good you desire. Once you understand this, you will be unstoppable!

  • ✓ 8-week Intensive Course

    ✓Self-paced Personal Study

    ✓Reflective Worksheets

    ✓Companion Workbook

    ✓Lifetime Access to Course Materials

Discover Your Most Authentic Self


We are brought to Earth to live in peace, joy, happiness, abundance, and fulfillment - with ease. Do you feel something prevents you from experiencing this life? As though your contentment is out of your control? As you study Rise Above you will learn that you already – at this very moment – have everything it takes to create a life you love. I will show you how from my personal experiences, not concepts!

  • ✓ Comprehensive 12-week self-discovery program

    ✓ Discover your best and authentic self

    ✓ Identify and strengthen new, affirming beliefs

    ✓ Change your life to everything you love

    ✓ Unlimited lifetime access

All Mentorship & Programs Include
Kind Words

“What sets Shannan apart is her genuine concern for others…

She is not just focused on her own journey; she is also dedicated to uplifting those around her. Shannan’s words of encouragement, her empathetic listening, and her sincere desire to see others succeed have touched my heart and motivated me to push beyond my limits.”

Roberta Campbell, Speaker & Author
let's do this together


Let’s Stay in Touch